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GE Course Submission

Submission Instructions

Knowledge Base provides step-by-step instructions needed to launch general education course revision requests at Cal State Fullerton. These procedures are in compliance with university policy, CSU Chancellor's Office guidelines, and WASC accreditation standards.

All GE course approval requests/forms should be created, launched, and tracked exclusively online via the Curriculog curriculum management system. Curriculog trainings are offered on an as-needed basis. You will need to sign in with your CSUF username and password in order to review the documents and videos.

Please email with a request for training, or if you do not have access in your portal.

professor working with student in class

GE Course Submission Timeline

There is a cycle every semester for the approval of the inclusion of courses in the General Education curriculum.

  • The fall semester cycle begins on September 1.
  • The spring semester cycle begins on February 1.

Each cycle will be completed when submissions are signed and approved by the university president.

The Process

  • Proposal
    • Departments offering a course that is already part of the university curriculum may seek inclusion of that course into the GE Program using a GE Course Change Form in Curriculog. (Only courses offered by the departments of African American Studies, Asian American Studies, and/or Chicana and Chicano Studies or cross-listed with one or more of these departments may qualify for Area F)
    • The college curriculum committee and college dean will review and approve the GE Course Change Form before forwarding it to Academic Programs. (If the proposing academic unit is not housed in a college, the University Curriculum Committee will substitute for college committee, and the AVP of Academic Programs (AVPAP) will substitute as the dean.)
    • Publication 
      • Each cycle begins with the distribution to all university faculty of a list of courses proposed for inclusion in the GE Program and their catalog descriptions together with a deadline for raising questions and challenges.
    • Fall Cycle Deadlines
      • July 31: Dean's approval complete in Curriculog for September 1 announcement of new GE Courses.
      • September 1: Fall cycle begins with the distribution of the list of courses proposed for the GE Program by the AVPAP.
      • October 1: The AVP of Academic Programs (AVPAP) will send GE Course Forms, challenged or not, to the Ethnic Studies Requirement Committee (for Area F courses), or the GE Committee.
    • Spring Cycle Deadlines
      • December 21: Dean's approval complete in Curriculog for February 1 announcement of new GE Courses.
      • February 1: Spring cycle begins with the distribution of the list of courses proposed for the GE Program by the AVPAP.
      • March 4: The AVPAP will send GE Course Forms, challenged or not, to the Ethnic Studies Requirement Committee (for Area F courses), or the GE Committee.
  • Questions and Challenges
    • A question is a written inquiry about the appropriateness of either including a course in the GE Curriculum altogether or if including it in the category for which is is proposed.
      • Questions must be filed with the AVP of Academic Programs by September 15 for the fall semester, and February 15 for the spring semester.
    • A challenge is the conversion of a question into a formal request to disapprove a course proposed for GE on a specific jurisdictional or academic grounds.
      • Challenges must be filed by September 30 for the fall semester, and March 3 for the spring semester.
  • Committee Review
    • Courses submitted for includion in Area F will be forwarded to the Ethnic Studies Requirement Committee (ESRC) for review. Upon review and approval, the ESRC will forward its recommendation to the GE Committee.
    • The GE Committee will review all courses submitted for inclusion in the GE Program and forward its recommendations to the Academic Senate by November 15 for the fall cycle, and April 15 for the spring cycle.
    • The Academic Senate will forward its recommendations to the university presidents for approval. (Subsequent review of courses submitted for Area F will give broad deference to the field expertise of the ESRC.)
    • The ESRC and GE Committee will base their recommendations based on UPS 411.201.